I was able to go back and change all the pictures in my posts from those on the Blogger servers to those that I uploaded to WordPress. In general, it doesn’t make much of a difference, but in reality, I need every bit of space that I can wring from Google without ponying up extra cash, and now I’ll be able to delete that album. Here’s what I’ve been working on lately: one mitten (Subway Mitten pattern), finished, and horribly oversized (now palmed off on my dad, or will be whenever I finish the second); a pair of socks using my lovely Brooklyn Handspun (prettier to look at than to knit with, although I no longer loathe it); and the ever-present OpArt, which is growing, but not nearly as quickly as it should be, given the kid is expected somewhere in the next 3 weeks.
January 18th, 2009 - 9:23 pm
I am very upset at the lack of updates to this site. I am an avid reader and am very upset that it’s been 12(!!!) days since your last update. How am I supposed to follow your progress?!?! I am seriously considering taking my knitting blog-reading business to another site, and I expect a full refund in the amount of $0.00 or chocolate-chocolate chip cookies. Cookies would be preferred.
Thank you for reading, and have a nice day.