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Archive for the ‘finished objects’ category


My Angeeeee! socks are all finished, and I love them. They’re super cute and they’re warm; what else could I ask for in a pair of socks? I got the next Rockin Sock Club pattern, Knetting (although on my sheet it says Knetted) on Saturday, just in time for it to be my new project. I’m getting started on that now. Yay for progress!


I’m so awesome, sometimes it hurts. I finished poor A’s socks. Luckily, it has taken me so long that it is almost an appropriate time of year to gift somebody with a pair of socks. I’m going to block them tonight and probably put them in the mail on Wednesday (or once I get A’s new address).


Will post pictures soonish.

It’s a good thing that I finished tonight. Tomorrow begins the September phase of the KAL to Cookie A’s patterns. I already have her book, so I will start with Angee, which is in her book, which I already own. The other pattern is Marlene, which is cute, but which I do not yet own. I’m not going to buy that one until I can properly determine my level of commitment to the first pair. I may never finish at all, so I’m holding off on purchasing another sock pattern.

Found it!

So I found my tapestry needle. It was not, as I feared, in the bag with some project that I barely started before abandoning it. No, it was actually in my handbag! It had fallen out of the little stitch marker pouch that I keep it in, so while none of the stitch markers fell out, the two thin tapestry needles I had in it did. No worries. It occurred to me when I got home from work yesterday that I should look in my purse before getting all crazy and tearing through my knitting projects, and sure enough, I saw two shiny little needles amongst the piles of stuff that fell out of my bag. I was busy last night (what kind of freak goes to the 10:45 movie showing after working until 9? That would be me…), so I finished up this afternoon during my break. Here is the finished product.

I did it!


I finished the booties! Well, actually, they’re socks. I used short rows for the heels and toes, and liked the final product. I wasn’t sure how they’d come out, and I definitely fixed some fatigue-related errors whilst weaving in my ends, but I’m really happy with how they came out. And my coworker really liked them, so that makes me feel good. Everybody else was impressed, but it was his opinion that matters, since it’s his kid I made them for. Also, he was happy to hear that the blanket is still in the works, and that I may actually finish before his child makes his debut into the world.

I’m exhausted, but it’s totally worth it!

I like these socks, and I’m going to make them again, but next time I will not add the third stripe of the contrast color, just to make them look more like the Old Skool socks I was picturing in my head. 

Also, and it’s worth noting, this is the best my short row anythings have ever looked!

aim-less |ˈāmlis|adjective

without purpose or direction


aim-less-ly |ˈeɪml1sli| adverb
aim-less-ness |ˈeɪml1sn1s| noun

Thanks, Mac dictionary! For those of you (all one of you, in fact) who are breathlessly awaiting my next post, please take a moment to acquaint yourself with the above definition, and consider how it may apply to this web site.

I have been working on stuff lately, but coming down with the plague last week prevented me from updating this site. I’m almost finished with the OpArt blanket. It’s not worth photographing, because I now have 640 stitches crammed onto two needles, and the whole thing looks oddly smooshed. I was going to do three more stripes, but I somehow lost (I guess?) a ball of green, so after I finish the next 22 rounds of white, I’m going to bind off. This is convenient, since the baby shower is this coming Thursday, and I may actually finish it on time. Perhaps the yarn gremlins actually did me a favor.

In other news, a friend of the family, a person who I actually USED TO BABYSIT, just had her baby shower this past Saturday. I’m useless with dates, but this time I’m 90% sure I didn’t know when it was anyway, so I just reached into my stash and gave her a pair of booties that I had on hand. Oddly enough, they were a hit (I had to leave early), but my mother received several breathless phone calls from the momma-to-be later that evening about other things, and each time she couldn’t stop talking about the booties. And then her mom got in on the love the next day. I’m surprised but touched that they were such a hit. I had actually been feeling a little bad about not having anything else to give. I have several more skeins of that yarn, and since she liked the booties so much, I’ll make  a matching sweater. 

I didn’t take a picture of that pair of booties, but since I only use one booties pattern, here’s what they looked like (this is even the same yarn): 

I was able to go back and change all the pictures in my posts from those on the Blogger servers to those that I uploaded to WordPress. In general, it doesn’t make much of a difference, but in reality, I need every bit of space that I can wring from Google without ponying up extra cash, and now I’ll be able to delete that album. Here’s what I’ve been working on lately: one mitten (Subway Mitten pattern), finished, and horribly oversized (now palmed off on my dad, or will be whenever I finish the second); a pair of socks using my lovely Brooklyn Handspun (prettier to look at than to knit with, although I no longer loathe it); and the ever-present OpArt, which is growing, but not nearly as quickly as it should be, given the kid is expected somewhere in the next 3 weeks.





I finished Terea’s monkey socks! I’m so glad that they’re done, because it’s always so satisfying to finish a project, but they were fun and quick to knit, and I miss the project already! This is me modeling them, just because.

I was going to make a pair of monkeys for myself, but then I saw another pair of socks by Cookie A, Hedera, and I knew I had to make those! She’s such an amazing designer. I have this lovely sea green yarn by Brooklyn Handspun, and I think it’s perfect for this project. I opened my Magic Loop book and tried it out, and I really get this method! I’m sure, though, that I’ll find a way to eff up these socks using this method. To make things really interesting, I’m going to try them toe up.