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Odds and Ends

img_1198I finished blocking Satanski’s scarf, so all I need to do now is take a few minutes and weave in the ends. It came out really really well, and although it’s not terribly hard to impress a three-year-old, I’m happy that he likes it so much. I also started on what will be the matching mittens. This is my first pair of mittens, and I’m kind of cobbling together several patterns, so we’ll see how those turn out. Here are pictures of the finished scarf (undone ends and all) and the beginning of the mittens.


img_1192Today, the knitting Meetup group that I belong to had a trial yarn swap. I didn’t prepare well for it at all; I brought 300 yards of a brown striped sock wool, 300 yards of a sunny yellow sock wool, and 600 yards of blue alpaca. I probably shouldn’t have been so obvious about bringing things that interested me not at all! Anyway, I ended up trading the alpaca for some gorgeous light blue bamboo (cannot believe I got that), and the brown wool for some really cool blue cotton. I was also given about 200 yards of a cool white wool with flecks of yellow and orange (it’s cute; definitely for babies/kids). I couldn’t find any takers for the yellow wool, and although I may regret it later, since I still have several balls here and I have no idea what I’m going to do with those, I gave it away for a yarn drop. I hope that somebody can put it to good use!

All finished!

img_1183I finished Satanski’s scarf, and it came out great! I love this yarn (Malabrigo Worsted, in Oceanus), and Satanski loves his scarf. That picture to the left shows what the scarf looked like last night, when I was about 60% of the way finished. I’m going to get started on matching mittens tomorrow, with a hat to follow soon thereafter. I need to block the scarf, as right now all it wants to do is roll itself back into a ball, but that means that I might as well block all the other stuff I’ve been ignoring for a while. Block party tomorrow!

Sorry, I’m groaning over here, too. 

This is what the OpArt blanket is looking like these days. That kid is due nigh on two months from now and I still don’t know when we’ll be having his dad’s baby shower at work, so I should definitely get the lead out and start doing a lot of work on this again. Even after I’m done knitting, I’m going to be weaving in ends forever, so I should just do it already.

Hopes, dashed

I had high hopes for the scarf that I was going to make Satanski. I sat down, thought of a pattern, and charted it. All was well, until I realized that my chart was not taking into account the two decreases I need to work on each row to even out the two yarn overs I was including. I think I tried to get too fancy, too fast, and the whole thing just annoyed me. So I decided to modify a baby blanket pattern from Debbie Stoller’s Stitch and Bitch: The Knitter’s Handbook and make it into a scarf instead. I’ve made the Big, Bad Baby Blanket a couple of times already (and I’m pretty sure I have a third one somewhere on a set of circulars), so by now the pattern is pretty much dead easy for me. I’m hoping that I will have enough yarn left over afterward to make the kid a pair of mittens, or even a hat. I can’t remember what the name of the yarn is, because I bought and had it wound in Vermont, and cannot find the label at all. I just started it yesterday, but it’s kid-sized and knitting up quickly, so I will upload photos once I get home from work.

My OpArt is coming along well. I’m up to 132 stitches in each section. I need to pay more attention though, because a couple of rounds ago I dropped a stitch about six rows down, and that was super annoying to fix in pattern.


OpArt is still pretty easy, but it’s no longer as fast of a knit as it used to be! I’m up to 75 stitches in each section, or 300 stitches total.

Aw yeah!

Now my OpArt blanket is really coming along! The pattern really is dead simple. I did a figure-8 cast on and then went from there, so I didn’t get the annoying ridge thing that happened when I tried a regular cast on and knit the first rows in the round.

Then, as long as I didn’t do anything stupid (like stop counting), I had no problem with the pattern. And honestly, I really only have to pay any sort of attention four times in a round, and even I can do that. I’m also finding my new stitch counter invaluable, and wonder if I was already thinking ahead to this project when I impulsively added it to my purchases last time I went to Purl Soho. I’m up to 39 stitches in each section (I find it easier to think of sectional counts, than total stitch count). This really is one cool-looking blanket! I’m actually looking forward to blocking it, because I want to see it at its best!


My first attempt at my Monkeys was a little off. This is my first go round knitting lace, and I’m learning by the round, but I definitely effed things up. The cuff, which is always the easiest part of any sock, was not messed up, so I frogged back to that point and then tried not the make the same mistakes again. Here’s what I had before the frogging:

As you can see, one of the holes on the fourth needle was not so much decorative as it was massive.

Luckily, this time I’m doing better. For one, I don’t have any craters in my sock. For another, I’m being consistent with my yarn overs (I was doing it wrong the first time, which is embarrassing, since I made an entire blanket that was full of yarn overs [unless those were wrong, too, but then at least they were all wrong in the same way]). Here’s the new and improved version:


Looking at these pictures reminds me that I need to learn how to use the macro mode on my new camera…

While in Poughkeepsie for Christine and Justin’s wedding (which was awesome, by the way), I went bowling. First we were going to go minigolfing, which is an obsession of Ben and Elissa’s, but then I saw a bowling alley, and successfully changed our destination. I am no good at all, but I did manage to win two games. I was so excited to get there, but then I picked up a bowling ball and realized: if my wrist was too sore to knit, what in the world was I doing in a bowling alley?? I wasn’t thinking at all. During the second game, my wrist really started to get sore, but I was using an 8 pound ball, which is pretty much the smallest I could use and still be using an adult ball. I worried that I would be in pain during the wedding and the next day, but AMAZINGLY enough, my wrist stopped hurting and I actually got quite a bit of knitting done on Monday and today. Plus, the curiosity got to me and I tried on the socks, so now I know that they do actually fit me. It’s pretty exciting.